Contrôle Prudentiel


On 20 July 2011, the European Commission published the CRD IV Proposal, its implementation of the Basel 3 changes discussed internationally. The proposals are designed to strengthen and stabilise the banking and wider financial systems.

CRD IV consists of a Regulation (CRR), establishing the prudential requirements for individual institutions, and a Directive (CRD), governing the access to deposit taking activities. The CRR and CRD are complimentary and together establish the new banking regulatory framework that will eventually replace the existing Capital Requirements Directives.

While Member States will have to transpose the Directive into national law as per usual procedures, the Regulation is directly applicable in Member States with no need for transposition. By using a Regulation, the Commission aims to remove major divergences in national interpretation of the text and speed up the implementation process.

The Commission has framed its proposal with a view to allowing a degree of flexibility in the transposition of the Basel 3 Agreement into EU Legislation. Many of the technical details have yet to be defined, with, as expected the European Banking Authority (EBA) being granted a key role in developing technical standards and parameters. This creates potential new risks for mortgage lenders as CRD IV is implemented by national authorities.

In some areas, the Commission appears to toughened its position compared to earlier unofficial drafts, as for example, the February version which gave the impression that there was a possibility to avoid the Leverage Ratio being migrated to Pillar I. However, in the July Proposal, the eventual migration of the Leverage Ratio to Pillar I appears to be a semi-automatic measure.
===== Documents =====
* {{:finance:bdf_reglement_fr_2013_w.pdf|Recueil de la Reglementaion Francaise BFI}}

===== Liens =====
* [[|Comité de Surveillance du Secteur Financier]]
* [[|Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel]]
* [['application-de-bale-en-europe---de-fortes-contraintes-pour-les-banques|FBF]]

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