
Affichage des articles du février, 2005


====== Applications ====== stoptpper tomact7 modifier la config des users puyis faire un chown sur le fichier depolyer l'archive start tomcat {{page>knowdb:linux:tutos:homepage}} === Installer fail2ban === aptitude install fail2ban ====Commandes Rapides==== === Curl === sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -x ===Update Host Key=== How to establish ssh key pair when Host... ssh-keygen -R hostname This deletes the offending key from the known_hosts The man page entry reads: -R hostname Removes all keys belonging to hostname from a known_hosts file. This option is useful to delete hashed hosts (see the -H option above). === Alias === ~/.bashrc === Clear Console === clear or cls === Text Editors === A simple editor to learn is ee(1), which stands for easy editor. To start this editor, type ee filename where filename is the name of the file to be edited. Once inside the editor, all of the commands for ...